3 ways to boost your techstack with raw data and calculated API fields

Mobile attribution and measurement data is a key component of the modern marketing tech stack.
Raw data and rich APIs allow advanced marketers to import all of their mobile performance data into their internal data platforms and BI tools, developing deeper insights and enriching their cross-channel performance metrics.
To this end, we have a couple of exciting upgrades to share:
- You can now create your own KPIs in Master API, thanks to calculated fields.
- Expanded raw data reporting! Go back even further with 180-day raw data reports, attribution match type and device type (phone, tablet). pc
Three new types of analysis now possible thanks to today’s enhancements
1. Cohort day 7 ROI
Marketers often optimize their campaigns based on their short-term ROI performance.
With calculated fields, you can easily customize your Master API feed to report each campaign’s Day 7 ROI. By building this field in Master API, your data will be optimally set up for analysis in your BI. Simple, straightforward and flexible, “calculated fields” puts you, the marketer, in control.
2. Click to specific in-app event conversion rates
While nearly all funnels have the same basic components, many marketers optimize based on conversion rates at specific points along their funnel.
For example, a popular ride-sharing app buys much of their media on a CPC model and optimizes towards their first non-discounted ride.
With calculated fields, you can easily format your Master API to calculate custom conversion rates from any point in your customer journey to any conversion point. With calculated fields, there is no limit to how you can use your data.
3. Deeper marketing insights and smarter multi-touch attribution
Most marketers have found incredible value in their raw data reports, and with your new expanded 180 days, your insights will be even richer.
The depth of raw data reports allows marketers to analyze performance based on considerations not available in the dashboard, such as phone model, city, wifi state or mobile carrier to improve your targeting or discover new user persons.